We're really sorry…. The page you're looking for can't be found.

Try our homepage instead.

  public 'exception' => 
      private '_previous' (Zend_Exception) => null
      protected 'message' => string 'Invalid controller specified (js)' (length=33)
      private 'string' (Exception) => string '' (length=0)
      protected 'code' => int 0
      protected 'file' => string '/mnt/webspace/home/darko/projects/alpack/trunk/lib/Zend/Controller/Dispatcher/Standard.php' (length=90)
      protected 'line' => int 248
      private 'trace' (Exception) => 
        array (size=3)
          0 => 
            array (size=6)
              'file' => string '/mnt/webspace/home/darko/projects/alpack/trunk/lib/Zend/Controller/Front.php' (length=76)
              'line' => int 954
              'function' => string 'dispatch' (length=8)
              'class' => string 'Zend_Controller_Dispatcher_Standard' (length=35)
              'type' => string '->' (length=2)
              'args' => 
                array (size=2)
                  0 => 
                      protected '_paramSources' => 
                        array (size=2)
                          0 => string '_GET' (length=4)
                          1 => string '_POST' (length=5)
                      protected '_requestUri' => string '/~darko/alpack/js/'%20+%20_src%20+%20'' (length=38)
                      protected '_baseUrl' => string '/~darko/alpack' (length=14)
                      protected '_basePath' => null
                      protected '_pathInfo' => string '/js/'%20+%20_src%20+%20'' (length=24)
                      protected '_params' => 
                        array (size=8)
                          'controller' => string 'error' (length=5)
                          'action' => string 'error' (length=5)
                          'module' => string 'default' (length=7)
                          'lang' => string 'en' (length=2)
                          'default_lang' => string 'en' (length=2)
                          'language_tags' => 
                            array (size=1)
                              'common' => 
                                array (size=537)
                                  'header-footer-contact' => string 'Contact' (length=7)
                                  'header-footer-technologies' => string 'Technologies' (length=12)
                                  'general-form-invalid-email-address' => string 'Invalid email address' (length=21)
                                  'contact-page-contact-message-successfully-sent' => string 'Contact message successfully sent.' (length=34)
                                  'footer-sleeving' => string 'Sleeving' (length=8)
                                  'footer-slitting' => string 'Slitting' (length=8)
                                  'online-job-application-phone' => string 'Phone' (length=5)
                                  'header-search' => string 'Search...' (length=9)
                                  'online-job-application-are-you-sure-you-want-to-remove-this-pdf' => string 'Are you sure you want to remove this pdf?' (length=41)
                                  'footer-laminating' => string 'Laminating' (length=10)
                                  'header-footer-about-us' => string 'About us' (length=8)
                                  'test-trabslate' => string 'Test translate' (length=14)
                                  'header-footer-product-portfolio' => string 'Product Portfolio' (length=17)
                                  'footer-deep-drawing' => string 'Deep drawing' (length=12)
                                  'do-not-speake' => string 'do not know' (length=11)
                                  'rounded-shape' => string 'Rounded shapes' (length=14)
                                  'rectangular-shape' => string 'Rectangular shapes' (length=18)
                                  'costume-shape' => string 'Costume shape' (length=13)
                                  'custom-shape' => string 'Custom shapes' (length=13)
                                  'izaberi' => string 'Choose' (length=6)
                                  'ime' => string 'Name' (length=4)
                                  'mobile' => string 'Mobile phone number' (length=19)
                                  'merried' => string 'Married' (length=7)
                                  'unmerried' => string 'Unmarried' (length=9)
                                  'personal-informations' => string 'Personal information' (length=20)
                                  'compulsory-military-service' => string 'Military service' (length=16)
                                  'did-not-serve' => string 'Not served' (length=10)
                                  'area-you-wish-to-apply-for' => string 'Job you wish to apply for' (length=25)
                                  'working-experience' => string 'Work experience' (length=15)
                                  'short-description-of-work' => string 'Short description' (length=17)
                                  'other-skills-which-possess' => string 'Other skills which you posses' (length=29)
                                  'reamark' => string 'Remarks' (length=7)
                                  'subbmit' => string 'Submit' (length=6)
                                  'primari-production' => string 'Primary production' (length=18)
                                  'general-director' => string 'General manager' (length=15)
                                  'technical-director' => string 'Technical manager' (length=17)
                                  'production-director' => string 'Production manager' (length=18)
                                  'rukovodilac-en' => string 'head of the department' (length=22)
                                  'radnik-en' => string 'worker' (length=6)
                                  'pomocnik-en' => string 'assistant worker' (length=16)
                                  'poslovoda-en' => string 'foreman' (length=7)
                                  'smenovoda-en' => string 'shift manager' (length=13)
                                  'footer-job-offerings' => string 'Job offerings' (length=13)
                                  'general-form-please-fill-all-fields' => string 'Please fill all fields' (length=22)
                                  'footer-warehouse' => string 'Warehouse' (length=9)
                                  'footer-die-cutting' => string 'Die-cutting' (length=11)
                                  'footer-printing' => string 'Printing' (length=8)
                                  'online-job-application-email' => string 'Email' (length=5)
                                  'page-search-short-search-text' => string 'The search text has to be at least 3 characters long!' (length=53)
                                  'footer-coating' => string 'Coating' (length=7)
                                  'years-spent-on-this-position' => string 'Length (month/year)' (length=19)
                                  'embosing' => string 'Embossing' (length=9)
                                  'first-you-have-to-select-materials-embosing-and-dimension' => string 'First you have to select the material, embossing and dimension.' (length=63)
                                  'lids-pair' => string 'Suitable lid:' (length=13)
                                  'pre-upitnik-text-engleski' => string 'The fields marked with * are mandatory. If you don't fill in one of those fields, your application is not going to be submitted. Please read the form carefully and check if you entered your data correctly before submitting.' (length=223)
                                  'text-posle-form-engleski' => string 'Thank you for your trust. All the data that you've entered are stored in our database for 1 year and are used for candidate selection purposes only.' (length=148)
                                  'kom' => string 'pcs' (length=3)
                                  'anti-corrosive-lacquer' => string 'Anti-corrosive layer' (length=20)
                                  'first-you-have-to-choice-one-of-above' => string 'First you have to choose one of the above options.' (length=50)
                                  'additional-option' => string 'Additional option:' (length=18)
                                  'footer-headline' => string 'Here you will find materials that are for use...' (length=48)
                                  'footer-download' => string 'Download' (length=8)
                                  'footer-newsletter' => string 'Sign up for newsletter' (length=22)
                                  'footer-newsletter-name' => string 'Name and surname' (length=16)
                                  'footer-newsletter-email' => string 'E-mail address' (length=14)
                                  'footer-newsletter-firm' => string 'Company name' (length=12)
                                  'footer-newsletter-submit' => string 'Sign up' (length=7)
                                  'footer-emp' => string 'EMP' (length=3)
                                  'footer-history' => string 'History' (length=7)
                                  'footer-profile' => string 'Profile' (length=7)
                                  'header-downloads' => string 'Downloads' (length=9)
                                  'header-emp' => string 'EMP' (length=3)
                                  'emp-menu' => string 'Menu' (length=4)
                                  'emp-products' => string 'Products' (length=8)
                                  'emp-services' => string 'Services' (length=8)
                                  'footer-emp-section' => string 'EMP' (length=3)
                                  'emp-about-us' => string 'About us' (length=8)
                                  'emp-cutting-machines' => string 'Die-cutting machines' (length=20)
                                  'product-portfolio-select-industry' => string 'Select industry' (length=15)
                                  'contactname' => string 'Name' (length=4)
                                  'contactemail' => string 'Email' (length=5)
                                  'contactcompany' => string 'Company' (length=7)
                                  'contactphone' => string 'Phone' (length=5)
                                  'contactcountry' => string 'Choose Country' (length=14)
                                  'contactother' => string 'Other' (length=5)
                                  'contactsubject' => string 'Subject' (length=7)
                                  'contactmessage' => string 'Message' (length=7)
                                  'contactsend' => string 'Send message' (length=12)
                                  'contacthead' => string 'If you need information or have questions, please fill out the form' (length=67)
                                  'contactclickoncaptcha' => string 'Please click on the reCAPTCHA box' (length=33)
                                  'news-list' => string 'List' (length=4)
                                  'news-search' => string 'Search news ...' (length=15)
                                  'job-offerings-page' => string 'Job offerings' (length=13)
                                  'job-offerings-choose-location' => string 'Choose location' (length=15)
                                  'job-offerings-page-choose-position' => string 'Choose position' (length=15)
                                  'job-form-open-jobs' => string 'Currently open positions' (length=24)
                                  'job-tasks' => string 'Job tasks' (length=9)
                                  'job-offerings-page-first-choose-city' => string 'Choose location first' (length=21)
                                  'job-offer-email-text' => string 'If you have any questions you can send an e-mail to' (length=51)
                                  'online-job-app-additional-job' => string 'Select an additional job if you want to apply to multiple positions' (length=67)
                                  'online-job-app-applying-for' => string 'You are applying for ' (length=21)
                                  'submit-job-application' => string 'Submit' (length=6)
                                  'online-job-app-success' => string 'Job application submitted successfully ' (length=39)
                                  'allowed-job-file-types' => string 'Allowed file types: JPG, PNG' (length=28)
                                  'upload-image-button' => string 'Upload image' (length=12)
                                  'disability-type' => string 'Type of disability' (length=18)
                                  'choose-image-button' => string 'Choose image' (length=12)
                                  'job-app-error-1' => string 'Image uploading error 1' (length=23)
                                  'job-app-error-2' => string 'Image uploading error 2' (length=23)
                                  'job-app-img-ok' => string 'Image uploaded successfully' (length=27)
                                  'job-app-drag-and-drop-img' => string 'Drop image here ...' (length=19)
                                  'add-next-education-level' => string 'Add the next level of education' (length=31)
                                  'other-language' => string 'Enter other language here' (length=25)
                                  'online-job-application-additional-upload-text' => string 'Upload your CV, recommendation, cover letter or similar important document' (length=74)
                                  'choose-file-button' => string 'Choose document' (length=15)
                                  'jobb-app-friend' => string 'Friend' (length=6)
                                  'jobb-app-job' => string 'Job advertisement' (length=17)
                                  'jobb-app-college' => string 'College' (length=7)
                                  'jobb-app-internet' => string 'Google or other search' (length=22)
                                  'jobb-app-social' => string 'Social media' (length=12)
                                  'jobb-app-other' => string 'Other' (length=5)
                                  'employed-yes' => string 'Yes' (length=3)
                                  'employed-no' => string 'No' (length=2)
                                  'job-app-accurate-data' => string 'By submitting this survey I confirm that the entered data are correct and I give my consent to allow you to use my data for the selection of candidates' (length=151)
                                  'job-app-trade-secret' => string 'These data are confidential and are used exclusively for the purposes of selection of candidates.' (length=97)
                                  'upload-document-button' => string 'Upload document' (length=15)
                                  'no-open-jobs-availabel-for-this-location' => string 'No open jobs available for this location' (length=40)
                                  'job-offerings-aply-for-closed-positions' => string 'You are also free to apply to positions that are currently closed' (length=65)
                                  more elements...
                          'linkUrl' => string '/~darko/alpack' (length=14)
                          'error_handler' => 
                      protected '_rawBody' => null
                      protected '_aliases' => 
                        array (size=0)
                      protected '_dispatched' => boolean true
                      protected '_module' => string 'default' (length=7)
                      protected '_moduleKey' => string 'module' (length=6)
                      protected '_controller' => string 'error' (length=5)
                      protected '_controllerKey' => string 'controller' (length=10)
                      protected '_action' => string 'error' (length=5)
                      protected '_actionKey' => string 'action' (length=6)
                  1 => 
                      protected '_body' => 
                        array (size=0)
                      protected '_exceptions' => 
                        array (size=1)
                          0 => 
                      protected '_headers' => 
                        array (size=0)
                      protected '_headersRaw' => 
                        array (size=0)
                      protected '_httpResponseCode' => int 200
                      protected '_isRedirect' => boolean false
                      protected '_renderExceptions' => boolean false
                      public 'headersSentThrowsException' => boolean true
          1 => 
            array (size=6)
              'file' => string '/mnt/webspace/home/darko/projects/alpack/trunk/lib/Bootstrap.php' (length=64)
              'line' => int 48
              'function' => string 'dispatch' (length=8)
              'class' => string 'Zend_Controller_Front' (length=21)
              'type' => string '->' (length=2)
              'args' => 
                array (size=0)
          2 => 
            array (size=6)
              'file' => string '/mnt/webspace/home/darko/projects/alpack/trunk/web/index.php' (length=60)
              'line' => int 23
              'function' => string 'run' (length=3)
              'class' => string 'Bootstrap' (length=9)
              'type' => string '::' (length=2)
              'args' => 
                array (size=0)
      private 'previous' (Exception) => null
      public 'xdebug_message' => string '<tr><th align='left' bgcolor='#f57900' colspan="5"><span style='background-color: #cc0000; color: #fce94f; font-size: x-large;'>( ! )</span> Zend_Controller_Dispatcher_Exception: Invalid controller specified (js) in /mnt/webspace/home/darko/projects/alpack/trunk/lib/Zend/Controller/Dispatcher/Standard.php on line <i>248</i></th></tr>
<tr><th align='left' bgcolor='#e9b96e' colspan='5'>Call Stack</th></tr>
<tr><th align='center' bgcolor='#eeeeec'>#</th><th align='left' bgcolor='#eeeeec'>Time</th><th align='le'... (length=1957)
  public 'type' => string 'EXCEPTION_NO_CONTROLLER' (length=23)
  public 'request' => 
      protected '_paramSources' => 
        array (size=2)
          0 => string '_GET' (length=4)
          1 => string '_POST' (length=5)
      protected '_requestUri' => string '/~darko/alpack/js/'%20+%20_src%20+%20'' (length=38)
      protected '_baseUrl' => string '/~darko/alpack' (length=14)
      protected '_basePath' => null
      protected '_pathInfo' => string '/js/'%20+%20_src%20+%20'' (length=24)
      protected '_params' => 
        array (size=7)
          'controller' => string 'js' (length=2)
          'action' => string ''%20+%20_src%20+%20'' (length=20)
          'module' => string 'default' (length=7)
          'lang' => string 'en' (length=2)
          'default_lang' => string 'en' (length=2)
          'language_tags' => 
            array (size=1)
              'common' => 
                array (size=537)
                  'header-footer-contact' => string 'Contact' (length=7)
                  'header-footer-technologies' => string 'Technologies' (length=12)
                  'general-form-invalid-email-address' => string 'Invalid email address' (length=21)
                  'contact-page-contact-message-successfully-sent' => string 'Contact message successfully sent.' (length=34)
                  'footer-sleeving' => string 'Sleeving' (length=8)
                  'footer-slitting' => string 'Slitting' (length=8)
                  'online-job-application-phone' => string 'Phone' (length=5)
                  'header-search' => string 'Search...' (length=9)
                  'online-job-application-are-you-sure-you-want-to-remove-this-pdf' => string 'Are you sure you want to remove this pdf?' (length=41)
                  'footer-laminating' => string 'Laminating' (length=10)
                  'header-footer-about-us' => string 'About us' (length=8)
                  'test-trabslate' => string 'Test translate' (length=14)
                  'header-footer-product-portfolio' => string 'Product Portfolio' (length=17)
                  'footer-deep-drawing' => string 'Deep drawing' (length=12)
                  'do-not-speake' => string 'do not know' (length=11)
                  'rounded-shape' => string 'Rounded shapes' (length=14)
                  'rectangular-shape' => string 'Rectangular shapes' (length=18)
                  'costume-shape' => string 'Costume shape' (length=13)
                  'custom-shape' => string 'Custom shapes' (length=13)
                  'izaberi' => string 'Choose' (length=6)
                  'ime' => string 'Name' (length=4)
                  'mobile' => string 'Mobile phone number' (length=19)
                  'merried' => string 'Married' (length=7)
                  'unmerried' => string 'Unmarried' (length=9)
                  'personal-informations' => string 'Personal information' (length=20)
                  'compulsory-military-service' => string 'Military service' (length=16)
                  'did-not-serve' => string 'Not served' (length=10)
                  'area-you-wish-to-apply-for' => string 'Job you wish to apply for' (length=25)
                  'working-experience' => string 'Work experience' (length=15)
                  'short-description-of-work' => string 'Short description' (length=17)
                  'other-skills-which-possess' => string 'Other skills which you posses' (length=29)
                  'reamark' => string 'Remarks' (length=7)
                  'subbmit' => string 'Submit' (length=6)
                  'primari-production' => string 'Primary production' (length=18)
                  'general-director' => string 'General manager' (length=15)
                  'technical-director' => string 'Technical manager' (length=17)
                  'production-director' => string 'Production manager' (length=18)
                  'rukovodilac-en' => string 'head of the department' (length=22)
                  'radnik-en' => string 'worker' (length=6)
                  'pomocnik-en' => string 'assistant worker' (length=16)
                  'poslovoda-en' => string 'foreman' (length=7)
                  'smenovoda-en' => string 'shift manager' (length=13)
                  'footer-job-offerings' => string 'Job offerings' (length=13)
                  'general-form-please-fill-all-fields' => string 'Please fill all fields' (length=22)
                  'footer-warehouse' => string 'Warehouse' (length=9)
                  'footer-die-cutting' => string 'Die-cutting' (length=11)
                  'footer-printing' => string 'Printing' (length=8)
                  'online-job-application-email' => string 'Email' (length=5)
                  'page-search-short-search-text' => string 'The search text has to be at least 3 characters long!' (length=53)
                  'footer-coating' => string 'Coating' (length=7)
                  'years-spent-on-this-position' => string 'Length (month/year)' (length=19)
                  'embosing' => string 'Embossing' (length=9)
                  'first-you-have-to-select-materials-embosing-and-dimension' => string 'First you have to select the material, embossing and dimension.' (length=63)
                  'lids-pair' => string 'Suitable lid:' (length=13)
                  'pre-upitnik-text-engleski' => string 'The fields marked with * are mandatory. If you don't fill in one of those fields, your application is not going to be submitted. Please read the form carefully and check if you entered your data correctly before submitting.' (length=223)
                  'text-posle-form-engleski' => string 'Thank you for your trust. All the data that you've entered are stored in our database for 1 year and are used for candidate selection purposes only.' (length=148)
                  'kom' => string 'pcs' (length=3)
                  'anti-corrosive-lacquer' => string 'Anti-corrosive layer' (length=20)
                  'first-you-have-to-choice-one-of-above' => string 'First you have to choose one of the above options.' (length=50)
                  'additional-option' => string 'Additional option:' (length=18)
                  'footer-headline' => string 'Here you will find materials that are for use...' (length=48)
                  'footer-download' => string 'Download' (length=8)
                  'footer-newsletter' => string 'Sign up for newsletter' (length=22)
                  'footer-newsletter-name' => string 'Name and surname' (length=16)
                  'footer-newsletter-email' => string 'E-mail address' (length=14)
                  'footer-newsletter-firm' => string 'Company name' (length=12)
                  'footer-newsletter-submit' => string 'Sign up' (length=7)
                  'footer-emp' => string 'EMP' (length=3)
                  'footer-history' => string 'History' (length=7)
                  'footer-profile' => string 'Profile' (length=7)
                  'header-downloads' => string 'Downloads' (length=9)
                  'header-emp' => string 'EMP' (length=3)
                  'emp-menu' => string 'Menu' (length=4)
                  'emp-products' => string 'Products' (length=8)
                  'emp-services' => string 'Services' (length=8)
                  'footer-emp-section' => string 'EMP' (length=3)
                  'emp-about-us' => string 'About us' (length=8)
                  'emp-cutting-machines' => string 'Die-cutting machines' (length=20)
                  'product-portfolio-select-industry' => string 'Select industry' (length=15)
                  'contactname' => string 'Name' (length=4)
                  'contactemail' => string 'Email' (length=5)
                  'contactcompany' => string 'Company' (length=7)
                  'contactphone' => string 'Phone' (length=5)
                  'contactcountry' => string 'Choose Country' (length=14)
                  'contactother' => string 'Other' (length=5)
                  'contactsubject' => string 'Subject' (length=7)
                  'contactmessage' => string 'Message' (length=7)
                  'contactsend' => string 'Send message' (length=12)
                  'contacthead' => string 'If you need information or have questions, please fill out the form' (length=67)
                  'contactclickoncaptcha' => string 'Please click on the reCAPTCHA box' (length=33)
                  'news-list' => string 'List' (length=4)
                  'news-search' => string 'Search news ...' (length=15)
                  'job-offerings-page' => string 'Job offerings' (length=13)
                  'job-offerings-choose-location' => string 'Choose location' (length=15)
                  'job-offerings-page-choose-position' => string 'Choose position' (length=15)
                  'job-form-open-jobs' => string 'Currently open positions' (length=24)
                  'job-tasks' => string 'Job tasks' (length=9)
                  'job-offerings-page-first-choose-city' => string 'Choose location first' (length=21)
                  'job-offer-email-text' => string 'If you have any questions you can send an e-mail to' (length=51)
                  'online-job-app-additional-job' => string 'Select an additional job if you want to apply to multiple positions' (length=67)
                  'online-job-app-applying-for' => string 'You are applying for ' (length=21)
                  'submit-job-application' => string 'Submit' (length=6)
                  'online-job-app-success' => string 'Job application submitted successfully ' (length=39)
                  'allowed-job-file-types' => string 'Allowed file types: JPG, PNG' (length=28)
                  'upload-image-button' => string 'Upload image' (length=12)
                  'disability-type' => string 'Type of disability' (length=18)
                  'choose-image-button' => string 'Choose image' (length=12)
                  'job-app-error-1' => string 'Image uploading error 1' (length=23)
                  'job-app-error-2' => string 'Image uploading error 2' (length=23)
                  'job-app-img-ok' => string 'Image uploaded successfully' (length=27)
                  'job-app-drag-and-drop-img' => string 'Drop image here ...' (length=19)
                  'add-next-education-level' => string 'Add the next level of education' (length=31)
                  'other-language' => string 'Enter other language here' (length=25)
                  'online-job-application-additional-upload-text' => string 'Upload your CV, recommendation, cover letter or similar important document' (length=74)
                  'choose-file-button' => string 'Choose document' (length=15)
                  'jobb-app-friend' => string 'Friend' (length=6)
                  'jobb-app-job' => string 'Job advertisement' (length=17)
                  'jobb-app-college' => string 'College' (length=7)
                  'jobb-app-internet' => string 'Google or other search' (length=22)
                  'jobb-app-social' => string 'Social media' (length=12)
                  'jobb-app-other' => string 'Other' (length=5)
                  'employed-yes' => string 'Yes' (length=3)
                  'employed-no' => string 'No' (length=2)
                  'job-app-accurate-data' => string 'By submitting this survey I confirm that the entered data are correct and I give my consent to allow you to use my data for the selection of candidates' (length=151)
                  'job-app-trade-secret' => string 'These data are confidential and are used exclusively for the purposes of selection of candidates.' (length=97)
                  'upload-document-button' => string 'Upload document' (length=15)
                  'no-open-jobs-availabel-for-this-location' => string 'No open jobs available for this location' (length=40)
                  'job-offerings-aply-for-closed-positions' => string 'You are also free to apply to positions that are currently closed' (length=65)
                  more elements...
          'linkUrl' => string '/~darko/alpack' (length=14)
      protected '_rawBody' => null
      protected '_aliases' => 
        array (size=0)
      protected '_dispatched' => boolean true
      protected '_module' => string 'default' (length=7)
      protected '_moduleKey' => string 'module' (length=6)
      protected '_controller' => string 'js' (length=2)
      protected '_controllerKey' => string 'controller' (length=10)
      protected '_action' => string ''%20+%20_src%20+%20'' (length=20)
      protected '_actionKey' => string 'action' (length=6)